Many mobile hits, as you know, sooner or later receive a residence permit on personal computers. But it is one thing when it is just a belated move from one platform to another, and completely different, when a special publication with several pleasant bonuses comes to the PC. Republique Remastered – Just such a case.
Mobile Republic
Back in 2012, project Republique raised 550 thousand dollars on Kickstarter. And it’s clear why: Ryan Peyton (Ryan Payton), former creative director Halo 4 and producer of the fourth part Metal Gear Solid, promised to release the atmospheric stealth explosion, inspired by the novel “1984” George Orwell (George Orwell). And developers gathered to help him in this, whose shoulders were F.E.A.R., Black & White 2, Socom.
And they kept their word. Breeding into episodes Republique I received a lot of positive reviews on iOS and Android. Interesting mechanics of indirect management of the main character, partially spied in Experiment 112, It harmoniously combined with a great design, an authentic atmosphere and an intriguing plot.
And if in the first episode the stealth mechanic herself seemed excessively simplified, then in the next everything is already much more interesting. In the second location became multi -level – accordingly, the number of guards increased, and as a result, it was much more difficult to go unnoticed by our heroine.
And in the third, ONES & Zeroes, Enemies appeared who arbitrarily change the patrol route, use lugging grenades and, at the same time, are reliably protected from the action of pepper gas cans and electric shockers. In turn, we got the opportunity to set mines with the same lulling effect and pump new “upgrades” to the virtual mobile phone in order to distract the guards or, for example, monitor their movements.
Literature lessons
However, Republique First of all, it takes not by mechanics, but by the plot, atmosphere and characters. This is a real anti -utopia. Hope girl tries to break out of the closed complex, which has become a base for a powerful totalitarian organization. And we, as an unknown observer, help her through a mobile phone and tracking cameras: we indicate the path, hack electronic locks, order to hide.
This story not only has all the signs of high -quality anti -utopia (there is total control over consciousness and information, an attempt to grow a new generation of “right” people, the “reed” of the brains of objectionable, cruel and smart dictator at the head, propaganda and corrupt press), but also givesA lot of food for the mind, as when reading good literature. Here you can listen for a long time how the same local tyrant discusses the development of society, about human rights, or why it is worth prohibiting and burning various famous books. “Tropic of Cancer” Henry Miller (Henry Miller), “Ulysses” James Joyce (James Joyce) – I am sure that many have not even heard such names, but after Republique, It is possible, they will want to touch the “forbidden fruit”.
In addition, in this story, as in the real literature, there are definitely no good ones: a terrorist who fights totalitarianism is ready to kill and beat, and in the third episode, Hope and I are forced to feel in the skin of a journalist who climbs into personal life and his own.articles cripples the fate of people.
All in one
It is not surprising that Republique has become one of the main games for iOS, what for Android. True, I had to wait for another piece of exciting history for a long time. Six months passed between the first and second episode, and the third appeared four months later. From this point of view, the owners of the PC version were more fortunate: the publication includes all five episodes, three of which are available immediately, and the remaining two will be added after their release absolutely free.
Among the pleasant bonuses available with DLC Republique Remastered Extras, – A wonderful soundtrack for all episodes and the opportunity to try two early prototypes of the game. Considering that here you can still include developers’ comments, the PC version turns into a kind of illustrated manual for beginner games and an interesting diary for everyone who is involved in this industry.
The mechanics itself and content in the computer version of the changes have not undergone. And this, of course, will not like this: Stasls here still does not reach the level Metal Gear Solid, The heroine in many situations is all the same, without our participation, moves around the shelters, hiding from the guard. Yes, and the puzzles are rustic, although some of them (like the same journalistic experiments) are very unusual and fresh.
But the picture was clearly prettier, and the management is adequately adapted to PC, so nothing will distract you from viewing and personal participation in this story.
Such a game as Republique, just obliged to appear on computers. It is on the large screen that it opens, standing in one row with Remember Me And even somewhere next to Deus Ex – according to the level of elaboration of the atmosphere and script. In addition, only a PC version allows you to evaluate at least half of this story at once, binge, and not in small pieces in six months.
Pros: An interesting plot;Great design;buried graphics;intelligently adapted management;all episodes in one edition;support for many languages, including Russian.
Cons: Sometimes technical problems and departures occur.