Total War: Attila: Preview (Igomir 2014)

You can argue for a long time about the information value of the past “game”, but in the process of education and education, he managed to contribute. For example, for many visitors to the exhibition, advertising posters of the new series of the series Total War turned out to be a real revelation – it turned out that the name of the legendary leader of the Huns Attila written with two “t”. However, this is the purpose of historical strategies – to teach entertainment. The Creative Assembly And the lesson taught us, carefully explaining why the fifth century of our era is one of the most interesting episodes in the history of mankind.

The leader of the Huns

Attila is a full -fledged independent project, not an addition to Rome 2, how could this seem to be experts in the series (after all, both time and place of action correspond to Barbarian Invasion – addition to the first “Rome”). The events of the game will unfold during a completely short historical period, and the main action will have to be just in the years of life Attila: 434-454th years.

The starting alignment of forces will comply with the historical conditions. The Western Roman Empire is torn by internal contradictions;East, the birth of Great Byzantium in the future is experiencing;From Asia, the hordes of wild and not knowing mercy of the Huns move. The number of fractions is still unknown, but the logic of the game for most of them will be radically different from all previous Total War: Initially, you need to be prepared for the fact that pursuing a policy of progressive expansion of lands will not work. On the contrary, the barbarians will swing in a merciless vortex in Europe, and here the main goal will be to survive and preserve under their control of at least a small scrap of the earth.

According to the developers, the main factor that forced them to turn to this time was the personality of the leader of the Huns, symbolizing the beginning of the Middle Ages – endless wars that captivate entire cities of diseases and stagnation in the development of the whole European world. That is why the value of the characters, as well as family trifles this time, will be given much more attention. One and the same person will be able to occupy several positions: to be a city manager, increasing its characteristics, and at the same time to act as a general of the army on the map of the battle. In order to provide users with more opportunities for “pumping” of individuals, as well as to load more in a short historical period, the developers changed the temporary scale of the course: it will correspond to one season.

Invasion of barbarians

As we have already said, the main task of the player will be not expansion, but preparing his own cities for a barbaric tornado, which will soon flash in Europe. In this regard, in Attila A number of unique mechanics will appear that increase the maneuverability of the player on the global map. For example, one of them consists in the possibility of destroying his city so that the enemy’s army could not profit from the resources stored in it. One settlement can be sacrificed to slow down the advance of the enemy into the depths of the empire – he will have to rebuild the city again, which will give us some time to prepare for further struggle.

If in a hopeless situation you decide not to give your land to the enemy, but to sit down and strengthen the walls of the city, then it will be necessary to take into account the fact that during the siege the state of

protective structures will deteriorate. The longer the enemy surrounds your settlement, the weaker it will be on the tactical map at the beginning of the battle. Some strategically important walls may collapse, residential buildings will burn. The poor state of buildings will negatively affect the morality of the defending army. However, before the battle, you will be given the opportunity to equip the city with barricades, blocking some streets.

Sick leave is not provided

Despite the fact that the Huns are barbaric people and not accustomed to solving problems peacefully, diplomacy will have to pay even more attention than before. Religions will appear in the game, and two large empires will need to track and suppress the spread of heresies, which can cause a serious split in the state. We will have to not only conclude profitable alliances to confront Attile, but also maintain relations with the barbarians themselves, regularly paying them tribute. We repeat, without such “merits” it will not be possible to hold out for a long time in the historical ring. The developers call the new part of the hardcore in history Total War, Since such stress that gamers have to encounter has not yet been in the series.

Another chip Attila and the new difficulty with which we will have to reckon, will become illness and epidemics. They will have a huge impact on gameplay in the framework of the global card. Graving the ailment, your detachment will become a carrier of the ailments, and any place in which he will be infected will be infected. Thus, the spread of diseases can achieve a truly catastrophic scale. Will have to isolate sick fighters, as well as develop science and medicine in order to prevent the epidemic.

The map of Europe will undergo significant changes: it will be located various climatic zones that will greatly affect the gameplay. So, in winter, the speed of movement of troops will significantly decrease. All seasonal changes will be brightly displayed on a global map. In general, the graphic engine in Attila was updated and modified, the general atmosphere became more gloomy. The interface was also redrawn, its visual style corresponds to the chosen era. Fix developers and many bugs, improve artificial intelligence-perhaps Attila will become the “Rome” that we once wanted to see.

U Attila There are every chance to fix the mistakes of the previous game. At the same time, new elements like epidemics and siege system can seriously transform the gameplay. And yet this project The Creative Assembly It is unlikely that it will be possible to play the same role in fate Total War, What played Rome 2. However, there is no reason to doubt the quality of Attila.

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